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The Washington Athletic Club will be the venue for the 2022 IAG Congress.  Located in downtown Seattle, the WAC is a City of Seattle Landmark featuring a 25-yard indoor pool, full-size basketball court, running track, handball and racquetball courts, and pilates and yoga studios.  For more information about the WAC and its other world class amenities, please visit wac.net



Make a Reservation at Discounted Meeting Rate

To make a reservation you may call or email the Washington Athletic Club. Be sure to reference “Congress XXX” to receive the discounted rate and be added to our room block.

(206) 464-3055
(800) 275-3775 (toll free)

Reservation Cutoff Date:  July 16th, 2022

Reservations received after this date or after the group block has been filled will be accepted on a space available basis only at prevailing hotel rates.

Rooms are limited and we anticipate that they will fill quickly.  Please make reservations early for best availability.

Important Reservation Information

Reservations are accepted on a space available basis. Please make your hotel reservations early. Unreserved rooms remaining in the IAG Congress block will be released to the general public after the reservations cutoff date. After this time, rooms may not be available, or may be available only at the standard (non-meeting) rate.

As a courtesy to other attendees, please do not make speculative reservations. Doing so makes these rooms unavailable to other attendees. By canceling unneeded reservations or room nights early, you provide other attendees the same opportunity of staying at the WAC.

Washington Athletic Club

1325 Sixth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
